On February 23, 2023, the Verkhovna Rada adopted the Law of Ukraine “On Compensation for Damage and Destruction of Certain Categories of Real Estate Objects as a result of hostilities, terrorist acts, sabotage caused by armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, and the State Register of Property Damaged and Destroyed as a result of hostilities, terrorist acts, sabotage caused by the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.
If the apartment was destroyed, what can the owner get?
Housing certificate is a document that gives the right to purchase property of a certain value. This certificate can be used to exchange for housing, which is offered on the real estate market of Ukraine. Compensation in cash for the construction of new housing.
What kind of help can I get?
Compensation for damage caused to real estate can be provided in the format:
- performance of works related to its restoration (including development of project documentation, expertise, construction work);
- by providing building materials for these works.
Who and for what can receive compensation for destroyed housing
Immovable property subject to compensation is damaged or destroyed:
- apartments;
- houses;
- other residential premises, private, garden and country houses;
- construction objects that are damaged or destroyed buildings.
Who can get compensation for destroyed property?
- owners of the property;
- persons who invested in construction, provided that retaining and external elements were installed in the construction site;
- construction customers;
- owners of special property rights to unfinished construction objects;
- members of residential complexes and residential complexes who have bought housing, but have not yet registered the right of ownership;
- heirs of any of the above categories;
- Condominiums, housing cooperatives, managers of houses.
Who can not get compensation for destroyed or damaged housing?
- persons who are under sanctions (Law of Ukraine “On Sanctions”).
- persons who have a conviction for committing criminal offenses provided for (section I “Crimes against the foundations of national security of Ukraine” of the Special Part of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).
- heirs of damaged or destroyed real estate objects that belonged to the heirs during their lifetime, as defined in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this part.
How will they issue compensation for destroyed housing?
Compensation will be provided in the order of priority of applications from residents of individual settlements and depending on the chosen method of compensation.
The priority right to receive compensation for destroyed housing is provided by law for:
- participants of hostilities, persons with disabilities due to war, persons defined by the first part of Article 10, part of the first article 101 of the Law of Ukraine “On the status of war veterans, guarantees of their social protection”;
- persons conscripted for conscription during mobilization, for a special period and who have not been granted the status of a combatant;
- large families;
- persons with disabilities of groups I and II.
How to get compensation for destroyed property?
An application for compensation for destroyed housing can be submitted:
- in electronic form through “Action”.
- in paper form through an appeal to a notary, ASAP or social protection authorities.
The decision on the provision of compensation is made by a special commission within 30 days. During this period, members of the commission familiarize themselves with the received application and documents, inspect the destroyed object.
Certificate of compensation for destroyed housing: how to use?
Housing certificate is an electronic document that guarantees state financing of the acquisition of a residential real estate object (apartment, manor house, garden or country house, including financing the construction of a future house/house or investment in such construction). The housing certificate confirms the amount of money that the state guarantees for the purchase of such an object.
If the decision to appoint compensation for destroyed housing is positive, the person receives a housing certificate. The housing certificate is valid for 5 years. It can be used to purchase an apartment or other living space. Real estate according to the certificate can be chosen both in the primary and secondary markets. You can choose new housing yourself in any settlement of Ukraine, with the exception of temporarily occupied territories and places where hostilities continue. You can use one or more certificates to buy a new home.
Is it possible to sell housing purchased with a housing certificate or for compensation?
Real estate acquired in compensation for destroyed housing or a housing certificate is prohibited for sale for 5 years. Such a prohibition is notarized during the registration of documents for real estate.
Housing purchased for compensation is cheaper than destroyed housing. Will they pay the difference?
It is stipulated that compensation for such a difference will be paid at the expense of reparations, funds received from the Russian Federation to compensate for losses for the destroyed real estate object.