Providing housing for internally displaced persons

It is extremely difficult to provide people with adequate housing, equivalent to that which they had in the pre-war period, in the shortest possible time. Therefore, in order to resolve the housing issue in a shorter time, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted a resolution dated April 29, 2022. №495 “On some measures for the formation of housing funds intended for temporary residence of internally displaced persons”.

The resolution establishes that the housing fund intended for temporary residence of IDPs is formed by village, village, city councils or bodies authorized by them by:

  • purchase (purchase) of housing;
  • construction of new housing;
  • reconstruction of existing houses and dormitories, as well as conversion of non-residential premises into residential;
  • transfer of housing to communal or state property;
  • capital repairs of objects of housing stock, in particular objects of social purpose.

IDPs and members of their families shall be provided free of charge with housing from the Fund at the place of actual residence/stay within the territory of the authorized bodies at the rate of not less than 6 m2 per person for a period of up to one year with the possibility of extension for the next period, if there have been no changes in their status and if they did not acquire another place of residence. Such housing will not be subject to privatization, exchange and division, transfer to rent, to use for the accommodation of other persons.

What are the mandatory conditions for the purchase/construction of such housing:

  1. The cost of purchase/construction of 1 m2 of the total area of housing (taking into account all mandatory payments paid by the buyer when purchasing housing) should not exceed the marginal cost, the indirect cost of housing construction by regions of Ukraine, determined by MinRegion and increased for: • cities — regional centers of cities, of regional importance from population of more than 300 thousand people and settlements, which are located in areas adjacent to the borders of cities - regional centers - 1.75 times; • other settlements - 1.5 times.
  2. Housing must be put into operation, intended and suitable for permanent residence; all work stipulated by the project documentation in accordance with building codes, standards and rules, as well as all finishing works necessary to ensure permanent residence in such housing must be carried out. How to register For registration of citizens who need housing for temporary residence, IDPs submit an application (in the form according to Appendix 1 to the Resolution, with the signatures of all adult family members) to the authorized body within whose territory they are registered in the Unified IDP Information Database.

What documents are needed for registration?

  • application (one family member may apply if there is authority for a written power of attorney from other adult family members);
  • copies of identity documents confirming the citizenship of Ukraine;
  • a copy of the IDP certificate of registration;
  • copies of documents issued by the state registration bodies of civil status or by the court confirming the kinship of the applicant and all members of his family (birth certificate, marriage certificate, certificate of guardian or guardian, etc.);
  • a copy of the registration number of the taxpayer's registration card (not provided by individuals who refused to receive due to religious beliefs and have a mark in the passport of a citizen of Ukraine);
  • copies of documents confirming the grounds for priority in the provision of residential premises from the fund.

The fact of destruction or damage to the dwelling, which led to the impossibility of its use for its intended purpose, is confirmed by the personal statement of the applicant and his family members. The decision to register IDPs for citizens in need of housing for temporary residence or to refuse such registration is made by the authorized body within one working day after the submission of the relevant application.

A person in need of temporary housing may refuse registration in the case of:

  • failure to submit the required package of documents;
  • submission of documents containing inaccurate information.

Housing from the fund is provided free of charge to IDPs and members of their families for temporary use for a period of up to one year with the possibility of extension for a further period, if their status has not changed and if they have not acquired another place of residence. Residents will be obliged to pay on time for housing and utilities and other services provided to them at the place of residence and comply with the rules for the use of residential premises.

Registration of citizens who need housing for temporary residence will not be grounds for refusing internally displaced persons to be further registered for social housing

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