Simplification of loan repayment terms

The government supported bills that provide for the simplification of the terms of repayment of loans.

So, for the period of martial law, it is proposed to introduce mandatory restructuring under consumer credit agreements for citizens who:

  • are registered as internally displaced persons;
  • permanently residing or leaving the territory in which hostilities are conducted (conducted), or temporarily occupied territory.

These categories of citizens will be able to use the restructuring mechanism if:

  • state and social material assistance and/or pension provision, charitable assistance is the only source of income of the consumer and his family members;
  • a consumer or a member of his family is a person with a disability as a result of war and the combined income of the consumer and his family members does not exceed the amount of two minimum wages.

In addition, it is proposed to establish that for the period of martial law and within 30 days after its termination, the creditor and/or collection company is prohibited from taking measures to settle overdue debts against consumers.

The Government also supported amendments to the Tax Code, which stipulate that the income received as a result of such restructuring is not taxable.

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