The right of the IDPs to receive public services outside the place of registered/declared residence

How to get a job?

Contact the territorial units of the employment center at the new place of stay, where a person will be registered and a job will be found in accordance with knowledge, specialty and experience.

If you need retraining or additional training to improve your professional level, local vocational education institutions will help you.

How to get unemployment benefits?

For IDPs, there is a simplified procedure for registration as unemployed. You need to contact the territorial units of the employment center at the new place of stay or through the Diya application.

How to apply for the grant/renewal/assignment of the status of unemployed and the payment of unemployment benefits

  1. People living in safe areas can:
    • register through the Diya portal;
    • contact in person to the nearest working employment center (list - on the map).
  2. Persons residing in the temporarily occupied territory or in the territory where hostilities are taking place may:
    • register through the Diya portal or fill out an application through an online questionnaire or chatbot;
    • download and print applications. Fill out and sign these documents, photograph them and send them to In the subject of the letter, be sure to specify the word “registration” and write the full name. Important! Send files without archiving.

Persons who have not terminated employment contracts with the employer, in order to obtain the status of unemployed, submit an application to the employment center in the name of the employer to terminate the employment contract in a specified form. They report this to the employer (by any means of communication), the employment center and the PFU. The date of termination of the employment contract is the day following the day of submission of such an application. Unemployed status is granted to a person from the first day of his/her registration at the employment center.

The benefit thus assigned may be paid on condition that the unemployed confirm their intention to remain unemployed by any means of communication, in particular electronic, at least once every 30 calendar days.

How is the allowance assigned to persons who do not have documents on the periods of insurance experience, labor activity, wages (income, monetary support)?

Assistance is carried out on the basis of information available in state registers, information systems and databases. The allowance is appointed from the first day of granting the status of unemployed. Before receiving information, the assistance is assigned in a minimum amount (for the period of quarantine and 30 days after its expiration — 1000 UAH), lasting no more than 180 calendar days. After receipt of the information provided for by law, the duration of the payment of benefits and its amount will be revised. The maximum amount of assistance for the period of martial law is 9 750 UAH. The payment of benefits is suspended, in particular, to persons who are abroad for more than 30 calendar days.

If a person has not submitted the original documents when applying for unemployment status and benefits within 30 calendar days (the period can be extended for a good reason — in this case, the documents should be submitted the next day, after the expiration of the circumstances (valid reason)), after the termination or cancellation of the martial law, such person must file before the employment center in which the registration was made, the originals of the following documents:
  • employment record (civil law contract or document confirming the termination of the last type of employment). The person who has lost the work book, presents a duplicate of the work book or a certificate from the archival institution about acceptance and dismissal from work;
  • a document on education or its duplicate (if there is such a document or a duplicate);
  • military accounting document — for persons who have retired from military service.

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