The procedure for establishing the fact of residence of one family of a man and a woman without marriage

As a general rule, the family consists of persons who live together, are connected by a common life, have mutual rights and obligations.

A prerequisite for the recognition of persons as family members, in addition to the actual fact of living together, is the maintenance of a joint household, namely:
  • availability of shared costs;
  • a common budget;
  • shared meals;
  • purchase of property for common use;
  • participation in the costs of maintaining housing, its repair;
  • mutual assistance;
  • the presence of oral or written agreements on the procedure for using residential premises;
  • other circumstances that certify the reality of family relationships.

To establish cohabitation, the following are also taken into account:
  • testimony of witnesses;
  • documents on the place of registration of a man and a woman;
  • documents confirming the acquisition of property, spending money on common needs.

The application for the establishment of such a fact is submitted in a separate proceeding to the local court at the place of residence of the applicant.

The statement should note:
  • what fact needs to be established and for what purpose;
  • reasons for the impossibility of obtaining or restoring documents certifying this fact;
  • The evidence that supports it.

For filing such an application, a court fee of 0.2 subsistence minimum for able-bodied persons is paid.

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