Individuals who have housed IDPs free of charge (except for their family members) are entitled to receive compensation.
Compensation is paid in order to cover the costs incurred by individuals in connection with the placement of IDPs and provided that there is no debt for housing and communal services (the fact of absence of debt for housing and communal services is confirmed by the person who placed IDPs with his signature affixed in the application about receiving compensation).
The amount of compensation is calculated taking into account the number of days during which the dwelling was provided for accommodation of IDPs, from the date of their placement, but not earlier than the date of registration of the IDP (date of issuance of the certificate). Compensation to persons who have accommodated four or more IDPs, as well as persons from among vulnerable groups of the population, shall be paid from the available funds of international organizations, charitable organizations and public associations within the framework of agreements agreed with MinRegion, in accordance with the generalized information, according to Appendix 2 of the Procedure.
What is the sequence of actions of the person who placed the IDPs?
- No later than within the next working day from the day of placement of the IDP, it is necessary to submit an application in any form to the authorized body at the location of the dwelling. In the statement, indicate the surname, first name and, if available, the patronymic of each of the posted persons.
- Enter information about the premises available for free placement of IDPs in the relevant administrative-territorial unit and/or community to the web resource “Prikhistok”.
- Submit an application (Appendix 1) to the authorized body at the location of the dwelling no later than within 5 (five) days from the end of the reporting month.
Also, on the day of termination of placement of internally displaced persons or changes in their number, it is necessary to submit an application in an arbitrary form with information about changing the list of persons placed in residential premises, indicating the possibility of further placement of IDPs in this room. The application to the authorized body can be submitted both in paper and in electronic form.
When submitting an application in paper form, an individual presents:
- identity document;
- a document confirming the ownership or use of residential premises — or a document confirming the authority of the representative of the owner.
When submitting an application in electronic form to an e-mail address designated by the authorized body, electronic copies (photocopies) are attached to the application:
- an identity document that accommodated internally displaced persons;
- a document confirming the ownership or use of residential premises — or a document confirming the authority of the representative of the owner. Personal data of the person who placed the IDP, with his consent, may be transferred to the compensation provider for compensation at their expense.
What are the actions of the authorized body?
- After receiving an application from an individual, enter information on the web resource “Prikhistok” about the premises available for free placement of IDPs in the relevant administrative-territorial unit and/or community.
- On the basis of an application from an individual to form and make changes to the register. In addition, the registry is formed on the basis of information posted on the web resource “Prikhistok”. The presence of information about residential premises in the register is not a prerequisite for receiving compensation by persons who have placed IDPs.
- Consider the application within five working days from the date of its receipt. The course of five working days begins from the day following the day of receipt of such an application.
During the period of consideration of the application, authorized persons of the executive body of the village, village, city council, district in the city are authorized. In Kyiv, the State Administration, the relevant military administration shall check the information provided in the application with visits (if necessary) to the place of placement of IDPs, in particular for the purpose of checking:
- the fact of such placement, its gratuity;
- the number of persons accommodated and their living conditions;
- paper and electronic identity documents, as well as birth certificates of IDPs;
- certificates of registration of IDPs;
- documents confirming belonging to vulnerable groups of the population or their social status.
If the results of the audit establish the fact of providing inaccurate information in the application, the authorized body shall decide to refuse to pay compensation. - By the 12th day of the month following the reporting period, the authorized body, based on the results of the audit, summarizes the information provided in the applications into lists, determines the amount and source of compensation for persons who have placed IDPs, and submits the lists to the relevant regional military administration, the Kyiv City Military Administration.
In turn, the regional military administrations, the Kiev City Military Administration within five working days after receiving lists from the executive bodies of rural, settlement, city councils, district in the city. To Kyiv, the state administrations, the relevant military administrations send summarized information to the MinRegion in the form, in accordance with Appendix 4 of the Procedure. This is done to work out the issue of allocation of funding with information on allocating funds from the relevant budget (source) and in the form, according to Appendix 5 of the Procedure, to the relevant international organization, charitable organization and public association — to make compensation at the expense of their funds.