IDPs are entitled to receive assistance, information about which is contained in the Unified Information Database on Internally Displaced Persons.
For the purpose of assistance, you can contact:
- The structural unit on social protection of the population of the district and district in the city. Kyiv of state administrations, executive bodies of city, district councils in cities (in case of formation);
- authorized person of the executive body of the village, village, city council;
- authorized person of the center for the provision of administrative services;
- apply through the Diya portal (except for persons who do not have an ID card or passport).
The period of payment is monthly and for a full month, regardless of the date of application for its provision.
In order to receive the residence allowance, an application must be submitted to the authorized authority/person stating:
- surname, proper name, patronymic (if available);
- registration number of the taxpayer's account card (if available);
- date of birth;
- information about the declared/registered place of residence in the territory of the administrative-territorial unit from which you moved;
- address of the place where you moved and contact phone number;
- the number of the current account with a special mode of use for crediting the “eSupport” assistance or the bank account number (according to the IBAN standard) of the applicant for the payment of the benefit;
- availability of the status of a person with a disability;
- information about minor children who moved with you.
In the case of submission through the Action portal, the application is formed by means of a unified state web portal of electronic services.
An adult able-bodied person submits an application in person. A minor child has the right to independently apply for the appointment of benefits. Information about a child who has moved with a parent/legal representative is included in the application of one of the parents/legal representative.
The amount of the IDP residence allowance is:
- for persons with disabilities and children - 3000 UAH;
- for others - 2000 hryvnia.